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MIS Coursework

MIS 2101 – Information Systems in Organizations

As an introductory course for management information systems (MIS), this course explains the applications of MIS in business today, such as customer relationship management systems, enterprise systems, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, etc. Students learn various tools and techniques in identifying, analyzing, and evaluating business processes, which are the foundation of MIS. These tools and techniques include Google Analytics, SalesForce, Visio, swim lane diagram, and ERD.

MIS 2502 – Data Analytics

Data Analytics is focused on learning how to analyze, operate, and design business databases. Students learn how to use softwares such as MySQL and R to solve business problems by analyzing data. The ability to use these analytics tools is critical to enable students to present insights from business data, which will allow the audience to make more informed decisions.

MIS 2402 – Data-Centric Application Development

This course is focused on developing web-based data-centric applications using high level programming language. Students learn debugging techniques to identify errors and make improvements. We interpret system requirement specifications and explain technical components including the use of systems development lifecycles in creating software applications. This helps to create simple data driven applications that connect with a database.

MIS 3406 – Enterprise IT Architecture

This class teaches the basics of modern enterprise architecture which is integrated into the business and focuses on people, information, governance, process, and technology in the hyper connected enterprise.We learn how to discover the trade-offs between technologies, how they relate to business value, and how to utilize computing platforms to create value within an organization.


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