Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Consumer applications and technologies
  • Content management systems
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Lessons Learned

I built a website using Javascript for my final project in Data-Centric Application Development class at Fox School of Business. More than my love for MIS, I also love Finance and Economics. Therefore, I decided to choose a topic that can corporate these three together. Starting from my Starting from scratch, I came up with an idea of a website that displays the Financial statements for the last four quarters of any company listed in the stock Market. The users only need to enter the symbol of the stock company, the website will use the API to retrieve the data and then display that in the website for the users. I then planned the entire processes and requirements, designed the feature of the website, researched on hundreds of public APIs, and then wrote 320 lines of codes using Javascript, HTML and CSS. After three weeks working on the project, I submitted it to the Department of MIS and was given an “A” grade in class and “50/50” points for the Professional Achievement Points from the MIS Department. These have taught me how to start a new project, design the projects, and polishing the project.

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