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Client Service Representative


  1. I provide technical support to individuals in the Navajo Nation who has trouble applying for funds, assist with confidential client registration in the Navajo Nation DataBase, and communicate with 100+ individuals to identify errors and assist clients to resolve issues.
  2. The project that I am working on is called the Cares Fund Hardship Assistance program. During this project, I helped the Navajo Nation apply for the funds in November. Many individuals were having trouble applying because of their census numbers and names not matching. On January 18, 2021, we have sent out the first set of checks to approved applications. As we are still working on sending out all of the checks, we have currently sent out about 200,000 so far.
  3.  I have enhanced my communication skills, as well as learned to multi-task and work under pressure. This position relates to my major because I am currently taking an MIS 2101 course, and we are learning about Salesforce. In Salesforce, I learned how to use CRM and send out emails efficiently. Sending out efficient emails relates to my work experience as I am working on responding to the Navajo Nation through email instead of a phone call. 

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