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OwlHacks 2020 Hackathon

Over the course of 24 hours, I had the opportunity to work with a Temple Computer Science student in creating an intuitive way to view patterns we found out of raw data presented to us about the Philly Bail Fund. I compiled my knowledge of HTML , CSS, JavaScript, and Tableau, matched with my partner’s Python and Excel skills. He aggregated the aggregated the raw data, while I designed a mock website to present our findings and visuals. After the data was sorted, I made graphs in Tableau detailing significant patterns. We then wrote conclusions about each of the signifiers in our data, and imbedded both our conclusion and visuals into the code for our website.

During the times we were not working on our project, we attended panels and technical workshops. I gained valuable skills in Python and mobile application development from the workshops I attended, and it has only furthered my technical development as an MIS major.

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