Sunil Wattal

Professor, MIS and Harold Schaefer Senior Fellow


Sunil Wattal is Professor of Management Information Systems and Harold Schaefer Senior Fellow at the Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. He is also the Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Programs. Dr. Wattal’s expertise focuses on social computing and innovation in technology industries, as well as  applying advanced econometric models and integrating multiple data sources to quantify the value of social media and crowd-funded marketplaces. His work has been published in top academic journals such as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and in international conference proceedings.  He has also received Best Paper Awards at ICIS and CIST, and nominations for Best Paper Award at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), and a Meritorious Reviewer Award from Management Science. He has served as an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research and as Track Chair and Associate Editor multiple times for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). He also served as the Program co-Chair for International Conference on Information Systems at Munich (2019) and is a member of the AIS College of Senior Scholars. His work has been supported by grants from NSF, Kauffman Foundation, CIBER, and CIGREF.

Dr. Wattal has worked as a design engineer, business development executive, and analyst. His teaching interests include digital transformation, data analytics, information technology management, and internet enabled supply chains. He holds a Bachelor’s in Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani (India), an PGDM from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (India), an MS (Industrial Administration) from Carnegie Mellon University, and a PhD from the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University.

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Contact Information

Sunil Wattal
Associate Dean - Research and Doctoral Programs
Professor - Management Information Systems
Harold Schaefer Senior Fellow

Fox School of Business, Temple University
201E Speakman Hall1810 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-3059
Email: swattal at

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