‘Secret Admirers: An Empirical Examination of Information Hiding and Contribution Dynamics in Online Crowdfunding
Burtch, G, A Ghose, and S Wattal.
Information Systems Research 27.3, 2016: 478-496.
Show me the way to go home: an empirical investigation of ride sharing and alcohol related motor vehicle homicide
Greenwood, B N., and S Wattal.
MIS Quarterly 41.1 (2017): 163-187.
‘The Hidden Cost of Accommodating Crowdfunder Privacy Preferences: A Randomized Field Experiment’
Burtch, G, A Ghose, and S Wattal
Management Science 61.5, 2015: 949-962.
An Empirical Examination of Cultural Differences in Online Interpersonal Exchange
G. Burtch, A. Ghose, S Wattal
MIS Quarterly, 38(3), 2014: pp 773-794
‘An Empirical Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Contribution Patterns in Crowd-Funded Markets’
Burtch G, A Ghose, and S Wattal
Information Systems Research, 24(3), 2013: pp 679-697
What’s in a “Name”? Impact of Use of Customer Information in E-Mail Advertisements
Wattal, S., R Telang, T Mukhopadhyay, and P Boatwright,
Information Systems Research 23.3-part-1 (2012): 679-697.
R&D versus Acquisitions: Role of Diversification in the Choice of Innovation Strategy by IT firms
Banker R, Wattal S, and JM Plehn-Dujowich
Journal of Management Information Systems, 28(2), 2011: 109-144
Web 2.0 and Politics: The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election and an E-Politics Research Agenda
Wattal, S, D Schuff, M Mandviwalla , and C Williams
MIS Quarterly, 34(4), 2010: pp 669 – 688
Network Externalities and Technology Use: A Quantitative Analysis of Intraorganizational Blogs
Wattal S, P Racherla and M Mandviwalla
Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(1), Summer 2010, pp. 145 – 174
Information Personalization in a Two-Dimensional Product Differentiation Model
Wattal S, R Telang, and T. Mukhopadhyay,
Journal of Management Information Systems, 26(2), Fall 2009, pp. 69 – 95
An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Software Vulnerability Announcements on Firm Stock Price
Telang R and S Wattal
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 33(8), August 2007, pp. 544 – 557