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Database Management/Web Development at Fried Brothers Security Inc.

Fried Brothers Security Inc. is a wholesale distributor of door hardware and padlocks. Located off Spring Garden and 7th Streets in Philadelphia PA, the organization is responsible for shipping over 50 different brands of products to retailers throughout the US on a daily basis.

As an IT intern at Fried Brothers Security Inc. this past spring, I was given several tasks that tested the skills I’ve developed though my coursework at Temple University. These tasks ranged from updating the design and navigation of our company’s several websites to creating code to change certain attributes of products in our database. For example, I used HTML/CSS to change several layout issues we were having with certain product pages on our sites. I created files in PHP to comb through Excel files and format information needed for product uploads. I also used SQL statements to add attributes to certain products in our database. Overall, I learned a good deal of programming and database management techniques. I can say with great confidence that this internship enhanced my skills and I became a better IT person as a result.

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