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A majority of my coursework has centered around my Finance major. I have taken Introduction to Financial Planning, Honors Financial Management, Intermediate Corporate Finance, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, and The Owl Fund, and have received an A in every class. I am involved in the student managed investment fund, The Owl Fund, which requires acceptance through an interview process and application. The investment fund is in charge of managing a portion of the university’s endowment.

Management Information Systems

I have taken Honors Information Systems Organization, Data Analytics, Data-Centric Application Development, and have either received an A, or am expected to receive an A in each class. I have also participated in MIS related case competitions at Temple University and received first place in Deloitte’s Information Technology competition.


While I have not taken my mathematics courses at Temple University, I have taken Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, and Linear Algebra. I plan to take Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Advanced Calculus, and Introduction to Measure Theory while in college to make myself a more well-rounded individual for both my Finance & Management Information Systems majors.

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