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Big Data Analysis

Teawoong Kang

MIS2502: Data Analytics

In current society, most of the activities are based on data. In online world, data are continuously created and collected, and it helps humans to find out patterns and trends. For example, what people post on Facebook, comments we post on blog, emails we are sending are part of Big data. Big data, an extremely large set of data that is continuously growing and let people to understand trends, patterns, and even an association, is a great resource that gives so much information to the firm, organizations, and even an individual, which leads people to improve themselves for their future growing.

Because Big data has big role in digital world, it is so important for Data Analytics to work based on Big data. Data Analytics is an analyzation of raw data into useful information so an organization can use it to enhance productivity. Because Big data contains so much information, all the data analyzations like the use of SQL, visualization, and R are based on Big data. These analyzed raw data in Big data become very helpful for the firms to predict the trends and know what actions to take.

One great example of the use of Big data is Google. Google collects the search history over time. One time, google was able to predict the expansion of flu earlier than anyone. Every time people searched a key word like “cough” or “flu”, Google recorded the data into 5 different levels depends on the region as search history related to flu increased, and recorded in the map, which made google to predict the expansion of flu.



Works Cited

“Big+data.” Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.

Nsmscience. “BigData.” YouTube. YouTube, 12 Jan. 2016. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.

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