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MIS 2101: Introduce students to the main concepts  of management information systems. Taking the class, one will learn to identify and analyze organizational systems and processes using techniques including conceptual diagramming, process decomposition, and data modeling.  The purpose of the class is to expose the students to the analytical and systematic approaches used by MIS professionals.

MIS 2502 Data Analytics: The course provides a firm foundation for database systems, as well as for analyzing business data to intensify a firms competitiveness.   A multitude of concepts; such as different types of business data, differing analytical approaches, and the application of said approaches to solve current and future business complications, will be explored throughout this course.  Tools such as MySQL and R will also be examined.

Statistics 2103 – Statistical Business Analytics: Taking this class, I will learn to practice and reinforce Excel skills, spreadsheet organization and design.  Using exploratory data analysis along with using statistical methods to solve business problems will also be apart of course curriculum.

The classes listed above will aid me in my understanding of MIS and the systems we use to obtain/measure our goals.  Future classes will be taken to further my knowledge at Temple University.

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