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All personal journal entries

Journal entry week 1 (February 6th)

This past week the PMs of group 3 worked on different tasks. We met up on Wednesday to create problem statement, risk management plan, quality plan, change plan… for the project that we are going to do for the whole semester. I created a doodle pool to schedule a day that all BAs and PMs can meet. Doodle is an online scheduling tool that helps find a day and time that works best for everyone by taking a poll. The Doodle’s result shows that everyone will be free on Friday after 4 pm so we set up a meeting at that time. On Wednesday, the BAs had their first interview so the other 2 PMs went to their interview. I emailed the BAs to give them some tips and example questions to ask during the interview.

Journal entry week 2( February 13th)

We had a meeting with all the BAs on Sunday.While  I helped the BAs to fix the scope, the other two PMs ( Mat, Chris) helped them to start on Justinmind. All the BAs were very engaged and took responsible for the project. I went to the second interview and the BAS asked good questions.The project is going well so far.For the Pm’s task, we worked on the project schedule and budget. We still struggled with this but we are going to figure out everything soon.

Journal entry week 3 (February 20th)

This week is not really a productive week for PM’s team. We were all busy with midterm exam so we didn’t have much time for meeting. However, the BAs did a great jobs with their scope document. They also go far beyond with their prototype. The PMs helped BAs by reading the scope document through Google drive and make some edits.

Journal entry week 4 (February 27th)

This week, the PMS made a status report for the project. Professor was really impressed with the triangle we made and he made us present in front of the class. The third interview was on Thursday afternoon and it was the last interview. Therefore, on Wednesday, the BAs met to make up 15 questions. The PMs looked up all the question on a Google drive spreadsheet and we made some comments and suggestions for the BAs. The interview went well and our BAs did a good job and took good notes. I was really impressed because all the BAs were passionate and dedicated.

Journal entry week 5 (March 6)
Spring break week. Because of the break, there was nothing really happened this week. Ben Kates updated all the interview notes to Google Drive for PMs to see.

Journal entry week 6 (March 13th)

This week, the PMS worked on creating a first draft for some new materials in the deliverable. Since it was hard to find a time to meet this week, we decided to divide work and each was responsible for a single task.I worked on the RACI chart; Mart worked on the organizational chart and Chris worked on the stakeholder list. The BAs started to work on the business rules and use cases. We used Groupme as an useful tool for the BAs to ask PMs all related questions to the project. The BAs  were really into the project.

Journal entry week 7 (March 20th

This week, the BAs continued to work on Scope document and prototyping JIM. We had a long meeting between PMs and BAs on March 15th. Chris helped BAs with all questions about sharing JIM work between members. I helped BAs to fix their scope document. We also have a discussion about ideas for JIM. I found the the meeting was very productive and helpful. Everyone contributed during the meeting and BAs were very active in asking questions. At the end of the meeting, PMs gave BAs some tips about how to study for their second exams. We helped them with some examples about Swim land. We all want our BAs doing well in the project as well as in class.

Journal entry week 8 (March 27th)

his week, the PMs continued to work on schedule and budget and creating the earned value diagram. The PMs also looked at the critical path of the project and figured out how to work on it with Microsoft Project. The BAs continued to work on scope, prototype and use cases. I gave BAs advice on how to create use cases. The prototype looked really good in my opinion. They have a good idea; and they are going to the right direction. They also came to the professor to ask for feedback and were informed that they  were father ahead than everyone. I told the BAs that they should continue to work hard because everything is still very early and other group may did a better job at the end. We planed on a meeting on next Monday ( 03/30) when all BAs and PMs can sit together and talk about the schedule of the project.

Journal entry week 9( April 3rd)

This week, the BA continued to work on prototype, use cases and scope. We had a meeting on Wednesday between all BAs and PMs to discuss about scope and prototype. I continued to help the Bas with their scope document. The structure, ideas and grammar are all great. There are only some minor mistakes that should be fixed to make the scope more specific. The prototype also looks good. The design is finished and they implemented a lot of great ideas. Anything which is missing will be added this upcoming weeks.

Journal entry week 10 (April 10th)

This week, the BAs continued to work on the prototype, use cases and business rules. The PMs worked on updating the  risk management plan. The BAs and PMs did not have a meeting this week but we communicated via our group chat.  We planned to meet up next week in order to see the progress of the prototype.   The BAs created a 3rd version of the prototype in Just In Mind . I personally met up with 2 BAs and they showed me their prototyping work. The prototype looked amazing and I believed that BAs should get a high pass for this project. They spent a lot of time and effort on prototyping.

Journal entry week 11 (April 17th)

This week, the PMs worked on finishing their final deliverable. In addition, the BAs worked on finishing their final version of the prototype and presentation. The PMs and BAs had a meeting on Wednesday to see the most update version of the prototype and watch the presentation practice. The prototype is out of expectation even though it is not finished yet. However, the presentation needed to be improved. They went over time and forgot their lines at some points. If they can fix those problem, the presentation will be perfect. Again, I expected a great success for our BAs on the project. They worked hard and they would be rewarded.


Journal entry week 12( April 24th)

This week, the PMs completed the final deliverables. In addition, the BAs were responsible for finishing their prototype, business rules and final presentation. The BAS and the PMS had the final meeting on Monday, April 20 to go over the final presentation. After that, the Bas presented their project to the clients on Tuesday, April 21. They did a great job with their presentation and the clients were really pleased. One client said that she loved the design, and she would like to implement the solution. It was great to see that the client liked the project and all the Bas’s hard work was recognized. I think that the Bas were really responsible and passionate with the project. They deserved a high pass and good grades for their solution. The project was basically completed and we all learned a lot. I believe that the trust and respect that we were able to develop, allowed all of us to work well together.






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