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  • Business process analysis
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Weekly Journal 12


This week, the PMs completed the final deliverables. In addition, the BAs were responsible for finishing their prototype, business rules and final presentation. The BAS and the PMS had the final meeting on Monday, April 20 to go over the final presentation. After that, the Bas presented their project to the clients on Tuesday, April 21. They did a great job with their presentation and the clients were really pleased. One client said that she loved the design, and she would like to implement the solution. It was great to see that the client liked the project and all the Bas’s hard work was recognized. I think that the Bas were really responsible and passionate with the project. They deserved a high pass and good grades for their solution. The project was basically completed and we all learned a lot. I believe that the trust and respect that we were able to develop, allowed all of us to work well together.


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