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Fireside Chat with Linda Descano

Mr. Descano spoke about the digital employee engagement through and post COVID-19. She spoke about the difficulties employees are facing with working from home, having meetings through zoom, and how to make sure things are working how they’re supposed to. She talked about the stress, anxiety, and personal problems that people are currently exposed to because they are forced to work in this type of environment where their capabilities are either limited or constrained. Even though she expressed the bad parts of the situation she also talked about the good parts like how companies are setting programs for their employees to receive help if they need it. How they are implementing extra meeting to make sure people interact with other employees. I think that in this unfortunate time businesses should continue to check on its employees and help wherever they can to make sure their mental health and physical health are in great conditions. This way employees can stay on top of their game and businesses won’t suffer.

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