Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Cloud computing
  • Financial systems
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Since attending school at the Fox School of Business I have taken various classes that focus on all areas of business and hone in on my majors specifically. My coursework has allowed me to work on soft skills and hard skills. I have improved my soft skills by doing many group projects and presentations. I have improved my hard skills by taking a sampling of classes in different business subjects.

MIS Courses:

Data Analytics

This class discussed the way data can be mined and analyzed to tell a story. I learned the process of developing ERDs and working this into a database. This class was filled with hands-on assignments working with MySQL, R and R studio and Excel. This class relates to my career goals of working in the FinTech Industry because I will need to understand how databases work when working with them.

Data-Centric Application Development

In this course, I learned how to build web applications using HTML, PHP, MySQL and CSS. This class helped prepare me for my desired career because I now understand how applications are built and I will be able to talk to the developers with confidence that I know what I’m talking about.


Other Courses:

Macroeconomic Principles

Leadership & Organ Management

Quant Methods for Business II

Excel for Business Applications

Microeconomic Principles

Legal Environment of Business

Data Science

Statistical Business Analytics

Financial Accounting

Professional Development Strategies

Information Systems in Organizations

Marketing Management

Business Communications

Operations Management

Intro to Risk Management

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