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The title of the Activity is First Flight
I will complete this activity from 10/28-10/30
Fly out: 10/28 Event: 10/29-10/30
The sponsoring organization is Twitter.

The event is a 2 day onsite event at the Twitter Headquarters in California that students around the country must apply to attend. The event is for historically underrepresented groups of students in computer science. (African American, Latinx, and Native American).The first day of the event is networking events, panels, and group projects. On the second and final day of the event I will interview for a summer 2019 internship in a computer science related field. As a part of getting accepted into this two day program twitter is covering my airfare, hotel, and is giving me a food/Uber stipend. At this event I expect to gain knowledge about technology through a proven industry leader. In addition, I will network with computer science students and professionals from around the world. Finally by participating in this program, I have secured an onsite interview for a summer 2019 internship at twitter. This very closely relates to my career goals. I believe this event will have great value to my professional development and should therefor be translated into pro-points.

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