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Hobbies & Interests & Work History

Project Management Office Student Assistant, Temple University Hospital, Spring 2105- Present

I have just started a job working in the Project Management Office at Temple University Hospital. Here I will be working on projects to cut hospital costs and locate areas with savings opportunities for the hospital. I will assist in creating reports which will reach the board of directors, as well as the heads of various departments. I will utilize my data analysis and transformation skills learned in data analytics, as well as cost-benefit analysis learned in Enterprise IT Architecture and process improvement learned in Digital Design and Innovation.


ITACS Assistant, Temple University, Fall 2014 – Present

This semester I work as an assistant to IT Auditing and Cybersecurity Master’s Program Director Richard Flanagan. I manage our web presence and conduct workshops on technologies for graduate students. Additionally, I attend events and manage our calendar. I have many other responsibilities in this position as well.


Information Technology Intern, Moody’s Analytics, Summer 2014

This summer I worked as an IT Intern at Moody’s Corporation subsidiary Moody’s Analytics headquartered in West Chester, PA. There I was able to apply skills learned in MIS classes and develop them. I practiced web development and software scripting. I developed and implemented script-based solutions to data backup issues, to automate add-in installation, and to check what software was installed on each of our corporate work machines. This was an valuable experience and I am glad I was able to leave a lasting mark on the company.


Information Technology Assistant

I became the MIS Department’s version of a TA during the Spring 2014 Semester. I assist a professor with 20+ years industry experience with classroom operations for the MIS Intro course. I mainly administer and provide grading recommendations for projects, but field other general content questions as well. I have been recommended by a competitive teacher to follow this opportunity up by becoming a Diamond Peer Teacher in the fall (essentially a TA with more responsibility).


Temple University Rome Study Abroad Program, Summer 2013

To continue realizing my travel interests beyond high school, I applied and was accepted to Temple University Rome’s summer program. I took an “Introduction to Risk Management” course in additional to a general education art history course. While abroad, I took advantage of my close proximity to other European countries and spent a weekend in Prague and nearly two weeks in various French locations: Paris, Lyon, Saint-Tropez, Cannes, and the independent country of Monaco. This six-week program was a wonderful, eye-opening experience which allowed me to be submersed in a foreign culture and temporarily live life at a different pace and rhythm.


Assosciation for Information Systems (AIS) Member

I attend meetings and hope to secure a leadership position in the near future. I am involved in the mentorship program, currently as a mentee but plan to apply as a mentor in the future. I occasionally attend technical development workshops when the subject being taught is not already in my repertoire from lessons.


Other Activities, Hobbies, & Interests

Given unstructured free time to take advantage of, I participate in a number of activities. I am a huge soccer fan, supporting the Philadelphia Union locally and Tottenham Hotspur in the more competitive  Barclay’s English Premier League abroad. I continue to chase my unrealized dreams of being a soccer star by playing the sport recreationally. I am an avid reader of science fiction and critically-acclaimed books categorized in other genres. I enjoy discovering new music and attending live performances, listening to a wide variety of genres including jazz, RnB, and electronic. I have recently returned to piano-playing after an 8 year hiatus and I love going to high-rated restaurants and trying new or foreign cuisine. Finally, I enjoy biking, riding motorcycles, and driving stick shift. 

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