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Assisted ICNA Relief organization

As a part of my summer schedule, I volunteered with ICNA Relief, a national level non-profit organization. I assisted to carry out door step deliveries for needy families that have been effected by COVID-19 pandemic. ICNA relief is a non-profit organization that seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters.

Prior to getting the essential packages ready to deliver for families, we had to know which area got affected the most and what are the routes we would be using to carryout deliveries without delays. I used my Microsoft Excel skills to find out the areas that got the most effected by COVID-19 by using the filtering method which I learned in my Data Analytics class. Following that I created a list on Microsoft Excel and I designed routes for the volunteers. As a college student, I never knew that my Microsoft Excel skills would be useful for a non-profit organization during this pandemic

The overall experience helping out ICNA Relief in carrying out and organizing doorstep deliveries was rather a challenging task but a real-life experience which I never had before.

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