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The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the idea of connecting anything that can turn on or off, to the internet. Today, we have many tAhings that are connected to the internet, such as laptops, phones, refrigerators, etc. The idea of connecting these things to the internet is an important concept because of all the data that can/will be produced by doing this. This concept can produce tons of data that can then be used to help better understand many things, once the data is given meaning.

In MIS 2502, we learned about data and how to use it, such as learning about R and how to use association rule mining to help predict outcomes, such as buying habits. The IoT closely relates to what we learned in MIS 2502 because all the data that is produced by the IoT can be interpreted to predict outcomes and other things. The concept of the IoT builds upon a major idea of the course, which is giving meaning to data. With the Internet of Things, tons of data will be produced, but how we give that data meaning and apply it will heavily impact the world around us.

The Internet of Things is already being put to use. We are surrounded by devices that are connected to the IoT, as mentioned earlier, and more and more devices are being connected. A great example would be a car that is connected to you phone and the internet. It is becoming increasingly common to see such devices, and the information that we can extract from such devices can enable us the better predict outcomes and gain deeper understands of the world around us.

Works Cited


Meola, Andrew. “What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?” Business Insider. Business Insider, 19

Dec. 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2017.

Morgan, Jacob. “A Simple Explanation Of ‘The Internet Of Things’.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine,

20 Apr. 2017. Web. 30 Apr. 2017.

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