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Demystifying Cyber Insurance – Paul Needle

1 ) Demystifying Cyber Insurance – Paul Needle

2) Fall 2021

3) Temple University

4) Such activity was held over that of a Zoom conference call from 12pm – 1pm on 10/18/2021.

5) Within such webinar, Paul helped us understand that of: the fundamentals of risk management within the cyber insurance sector, the essentials of what underwriting is within such field, as well as some insight as to how Covid has posed a strong impact within the field of risk management. Paul also helped us understand the importance behind cyber insurance, and ultimately how impactful it can be for varying organizations.

6) Despite me not having taken intro to risk management yet, I have always been quite intrigued in understanding that of the basics (at minimum) behind that of how companies manage risk (especially ones that are cyber in nature) within modern times. Although such field does not particularly interest me very much, it was very interesting to hear how the senior vice president of Munich Reassurance transitioned from that of cyber security – related roles into ones that deal with underwriting and cyber insurance (a seemingly distant field). Hearing Paul\’s insights today led me to realize that it is perfectly acceptable to reach out of your comfort zone a little bit when exploring different career options.

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