Community Platform
  • Agile
  • App development
  • Auditing
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This Year
350 Points
1005 Points
MIS Badge

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Interesting Facts

  • Movie(s) I have watched over and over…
    • Slumdog Millionaire
    • Sharkboy and Lavagirl
  • Favorite sports teams…
    • Philadelphia 76ers
    • Boston Celtics
  • TV show(s) I’m watching right now…
    • None at the moment. I just finished Our Beloved Summer (I enjoy watching K Dramas!)
  • Places I have lived…
    • Hatfield, Lansdale, and Souderton all located in Pennsylvania
  • Pets…
    • I have none, but I will be getting a cat in the near future!
  • Apps I visit daily…
    • Instagram, Messages, Twitter, TikTok and Apple Music
  • Favorite things to do outside of school & work…
    • I love to crochet and thrift clothes
    • Taking long walks and biking around the city
    • Learning how to use applications such as Blender
  • My proudest atypical accomplishment…
    • My proudest moment is placing in my first ever Hackathon in High School
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