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IT Specialist Intern

Throughout the summer of 2019, I held an internship role as an IT Specialist Intern for Day & Zimmermann in Philadelphia, PA. Day & Zimmermann is a century-old, family-owned company specializing in construction & engineering, operations & maintenance, staffing, security and defense for leading corporations and governments around the world.

Their vision: To accelerate the next generation of innovation.

My role at D&Z was under the Enterprise IT department. On a daily basis, my team was in charge of providing technical support for 46,000+ corporate employees on business systems, applications, devices, and services. We achieved this by monitoring Desktop Services incidents using the service management software, ServiceNow. Once a ticket was assigned to one my team members, we were in charge of either working through resolutions with the end-user while carefully documenting all troubleshooting steps, OR we would re-assign the ticket to the appropriate escalation group (cybersecurity, telecommunications, etc.). In addition, my team was in charge of computer imaging for new hires and current employees (upgrades). We did this to ensure that each device met D&Z corporate standards as well as for the end-user’s profile integration. Lastly, my team was in charge of D&Z’s Mobile Device Management (MDM) where we used the platform, Airwatch, to monitor the status of all D&Z’s employee mobile devices (iPhone).

The following is a list of projects which were completed during my time at D&Z:

  1. Windows 10 integration for all end-users.
    • Windows 7 will reach “end of life” by start of 2020
    • Upgraded over 200+ end-users who were using Windows 7 OS to Windows 10 OS to reduce the number of users on Windows 7 to less than 5%
  2. Plan and Dispatch new corporate image for all devices
    • Set standard corporate computer image to Win. 10 1903 (July 2019 release)
    • Target and dispatch image to select corporate offices while testing new images to check for any issues in compatibility with business applications.
    • All offices targeted and dispatched by August 2019 (3,500+ machines)

Overall, my time spent at Day & Zimmermann as an IT Specialist Intern taught me plenty of invaluable Information Technology skills. One of the skills I was looking to gain coming into this past summer was a solid foundation of the uses of technology (hardware, software, applications) for a large corporation. This internship has given me hands-on experience on the importance of functional technology in a corporation as I saw how malfunctioning technology could completely reduce employee productivity to zero. This was a topic which was covered in the course Information Systems in Organizations (MIS 2101) where my professor reiterated on the importance of technology in any organization. The knowledge I gained this summer has also help prepare me for the course Enterprise IT Architecture (MIS 3406) which covers topics in IT infrastructure, hardware, software, and their uses in business. 

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Day & Zimmermann and I am grateful for the opportunity I got to immerse myself in an IT environment all summer. I will carry these skills with me as I continue to develop my professional career in Information Technology. 

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