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Lunch With James Rhee

On February 26th I was able to sit down with a small group of my peers and have lunch with James Rhee, the CEO of Ashley Stewart. He gave us insight on how he really turned Ashley Stewart around and even gave us some life tips. He has a very unique way of looking at things and he shared that with us as we asked him questions specific to his life and experiences with Ashley Stewart and his other work experience. When the lunch was over he invited us all to connect with him on LinkedIn. This lunch was interesting because it taught me a lot about life in general and more specifically, what it’s like being CEO of a company that needs a lot of help.

    • AIS Technical Development TrackFall 2018

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackFall 2018

    • IBIT small group meeting with industryFall 2018
      Spring 2018
      Spring 2018

    • IT Career FairFall 2018
      Fall 2017

    • Other Career FairFall 2018
      Spring 2018

    • Active AIS memberSpring 2018
      Fall 2017
      Spring 2017

    • Lunch With James Rhee Spring 2018

    • IBIT challenge or conferenceFall 2017

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