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SILVERCARE HOMECARE, Philadelphia, PA  September 2021- Present

Team member: Personal aide
● Assist the elderly in their daily living activities such as housework and food preparation
● Develop interpersonal skills and communicated with client to deliver necessary needs
● Perform housekeeping duties and essential errands to uplift client’s mood and mental
health allowing them to have an normal daily life

PARIS BAGUETTE, Philadelphia, PA July 2019 – August 2021

Team Member: Cashier and Barista
● Managed all drinks and product transactions for customers coming in cafe
● Prepared and packaged dozens of pastries for opening
● Performed thorough cleaning of the store during opening hours and at the end of the day
● Assisted 120+ customers each day with checking out and managed the POS with cash
and credit card payments
● Addressed customer questions and concerns about products in a professional and friendly
manner to increase customer satisfaction

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