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This Year
270 Points
645 Points
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course work

Leadership and Organizational Management: learned about leadership, change management, decision-making, culture, team building, organizational structure, and communication.

Intellectual Heritage I: learned to investigate fundamental questions of human experience from a variety of perspectives. To sharpen analysis and argumentation skills through a variety of expressive modes.

Intermediate Algebra: Covered the core topics of algebra as preparation for precalculus mathematics.

Digital systems: learned the role of information systems and digital platforms in business and how digital products are conceived, designed, secured, and deployed. Understand component-based software architectures and APIs. Build simple software applications.

Statistics I: This course is made to help you understand and apply foundational quantitative techniques to business problems. In addition, you should be able to apply knowledge of basic functions in Microsoft Excel.

Web Development Application: This class is designed to develop individual proficiency and reward individual achievement as students develop the skills necessary to create solutions that interact with web APIs.

Data and Analytics: The course provides a foundation for designing database systems and analyzing business data to enhance firm competitiveness. Concepts introduced in this course aim to develop an understanding of the different types of business data, various analytical approaches, and the application of these approaches to solve business problems.

Financial Accounting: Financial Accounting is the first course in the introductory accounting sequence. It is an overview of accounting for use by the firm and by users outside of the firm. We cover the basics of double-entry accounting.

Microeconomics: This course presents an introduction to microeconomics. A basic understanding of the ideas presented in this class will be useful in understanding what is happening in the economy and provide a basis for further study in economics

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