Hello my name is Zachary Joseph Silverstein, and welcome to my E-Portfolio. I am a Class of 2014 Senior attending Temple University. I am in the Fox School of Business and am majoring in Accounting and MIS. I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Temple University’s Main Campus and I have most recently interned at Note Alliance and been a staff member on the Temple University Football Team. Upon graduation I intend to pursue a career in the field of IT auditing or cybersecurity.
Included in my E-Portfolio are pages about my professional, personal, and educational experiences as well as my career interests. Please feel free to browse the ins and outs of my E-Portfolio. If you would like to see my resume you can click here. If you would like to contact me then please refer to my contact page. Thanks for looking around!
“Stay hungry, stay foolish”
–Steve Jobs
Very Nice Zach!!! You’re such a wonderful person and you’ve developed into quite a dedicated student!!! All the best….(one little hint, when I hit “resume” on the side bar, your resume didn’t come up but when I click in the content for your resume it comes up!)
Good luck with every Zach! I miss all the boys!!!!
I love your page, Zach! I am an accounting major at Temple as well, so we have similar goals for the future. Good luck to you!
Good job!
Website looks awesome dude. I do a lot of website design through WP and this looks amazing. Keep up the good work!
happy to see such good Temple work!
Your E-Profolio is well designed. Good Job!
very nice ZACH !! my boyfriend did the same assignment
good luck in your future goals 🙂
i like your page excellent work
I would recommend closing the Steve Jobs quotation with another quotation mark. Other than that, it looks pretty good.
Overall, this is a good webpage that is visually appealing, but there is one issue that I have with the content and one with the layout. I think that rather than link to the Wikipedia article on the Big 4 you might want to find a more reputable webpage or even write up a short section on it yourself because of the unreliability of Wikipedia. Also, as far as the resume goes, you might want to try to put it into the content section rather than in a separate pdf, so that the sidebar navigation is still available.
So be proud nd happi