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As a child I grew up playing sports. I started when I was six years old by playing football, baseball and wrestling. I remained a three sport athlete my entire life until I attended Temple University. Unfortunately, college brought an end to my baseball and wrestling careers, but I was able to continue my football career as a Temple Owl. Playing football in college is very time consuming and physically draining, but some of my best life lessons and experiences come from playing football. It has taught me how to be a leader and how to work well in teams. I have taken what I have learned in my athletics and applied my lessons to my every day life. I am a motivated person and I have a strong competitive drive. I have learned to be on top of time management and I am very used to a very hectic schedule. As i look back on my life I wouldn’t change a thing about my childhood. Dedicating my young life to sports will only make me stronger when it’s time to dedicate my life to my career and my family. I aspire to be a role model for young children. Being a well known athlete in my hometown allowed me to meet with younger kids that have dreams of growing up and playing football just like I am. I am very blessed to have young kids look up to me and I hope that as I grow older they will continue to envy me as I chase my dreams and accomplish my goals.

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