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Project Bookkeeper

Two River is a real estate development company located in South Philadelphia. This is a small company, consisting of just the owner, one coworker, and myself. As such, we\’re expected to perform an array of core functions and be very versatile. I\’m currently the project bookkeeper. The responsibilities of this job include the following:


▪Assisting in many aspects of construction project management, like scheduling of subcontractors, maintaining scope and ensure project stays within budget.

▪ Determine profit potential of prospective projects through the analysis of MLS, city records, market trends and internal data.

▪ Account for an annual expenditure of $1.4M by recording and attributing each transaction using QuickBooks.

▪ Distribute financial reports to analyze construction project expenditure and determine whether certain stages of projects are under or over budget.

▪ Manage construction budgets and loans for various construction projects throughout Philadelphia.

Due to the nature of real estate development, this job requires an understanding of project management to ensure projects stay within scope, schedule, and budget. The courses that have contributed to my success have been Digitial Design and Innovation Studio (MIS3506) and Leading Global Digital Project (MIS3535).

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