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Reception / Sales

December 2012 – June 2015

Front desk at the 12th Street Gym.

Reception desk at the 12th Street Gym.

I began my career at the 12th Street Gym as a receptionist. During my time as a receptionist, I honed my communications and customer services skills. Some of my responsibilities a s a receptionist included the following: to screen and transfer phone calls to their respective recipients, to greet members in a respective and engaging manner, and to ensure any individual entering the facility conforms with the company’s insurance policy. Although being an entry-level position, I believe a receptionist has an immense responsibility: being the the face of the business. Every time a member comes in for their daily workout, they’re greeted by the receptionist, and their experience with the company is heavily influenced by the manner in which they’re greeted.

After gaining experience as a receptionist, I began my transition into a sales representative. During this period of my employment, I refined my customer service, salesmanship, and communication skills. During this period, I developed an interest in fitness; working out, maintaining my health, and dieting became a daily routine. As my passion for fitness grew, so did my passion for my job, and consequently, my involvement at work. By June 2015, I applied for and was promoted to a management position.

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