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Progress Report Week of 10/6

From: Team Sunshine

To: MC Martin

Subject: Weekly Progress Report – October 6, 2019

Period:  09/29/2019 – 10/6/19

Actual Hours:  

Megan Westerman – 2 hours

Anastasia Postolati – 2 hours

Nic Patino – 2 hours

Guillermo Cordova – 1 hours

Hours to Date: 

Megan Westerman – 12 hours

Anastasia Postolati – 12 hours

Nic Patino – 11 hours

Guillermo Cordova – 10 hours

Accomplishments for the week ending October 6, 2019

  1. Our team completed the RACI Chart.  We evenly split the deliverables and made one person accountable for each deliverable. The accountable person is almost always the Lead PM; however, we split several of them up in order for all of the team members have an active involvement.
  2. We began working on our website and gave all group members administrative rights.
  3. We started researching solutions and developed more questions for the client.
  4. Held our third weekly team meeting on Monday, September 30th.

Goals for the week ending October 13, 2019

  1. Complete the Change Management Plan and start the draft Risk Register. 
  2. Continue to research solutions and come up with a game plan on what kind of software we want to focus on.
  3. Continue to develop our website by selecting a theme, adding some general information about the project, etc.
  4. Have a team meeting. We will meet once again on Monday the 7th to finish the things that we didn’t get a chance to do in class.
  5. Communicate with the client in order to ask any additional questions that have come up within the research stage.


  1. Due to a scheduling conflict again, not all of the team members were able to make it to the third team meeting. Since this has been an issue several times, the team needs to be more proactive about reserving a meeting space.
  2. We got slightly off schedule because we had to refocus our attention to studying for the upcoming test.  We will be able to refocus our energy into the project and get back on schedule this week.  
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