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Throughout my time at Temple, I have taken many challenging and insightful courses. Some have been taken at the Fox School of Business while others were taken at the College of Technology and Science. Below are some courses that have been the most impactful during my time at Temple.

College of Technology and Science

Program Design and Abstraction

One of the most challenging classes I have taken thus far is Program Design and Abstraction. In this class, I learned how to program in Java. As a student who has never programmed before, I was extremely nervous. I walked into the classroom with an open mind, ready to learn and succeed. It was difficult at first because I couldn’t move on in the program assignment if something was not working correctly. It felt good once the final project was done and working perfectly.

For an assignment, I had to create a guessing game with numbers. The assignment was used to demonstrate my knowledge of loops, classes, methods and Java data types. The computer generates a three digit number and the user has to guess what the numbers are. The first digit cannot be zero and all digits will be different. The users are also given hints. The hints are 1) For each digit that matches the secret number in the proper place, the computer prints “Fermi” 2) For each digit that matches, but not in the proper place, the computer prints “Pico” and 3) If none of the digits match, the computer prints “Bagels”.

The program code is attached below. There are 2 classes: Play game is the main class and Bagels is a class with a high-level algorithm. Use Netbeans or another IDE to run the file.

PlayGame   Bagels


Fox School of Business

Data Analytics

This was the first major course I took as an MIS student. This class teaches how to design database systems and analyze business data. The software that was used in this class was MySQL Workbench and R Studio. I learned MySQL and simple queries, single and multiple tables for data. This class is important because the ability to understand and analyze data is becoming important for growing companies. With these abilities, business problems are solved analytically.

Digital Design and Innovation

This class exposes students to the roles and responsibilities of Business Analysts. Students worked on a semester-long project with Pound Cake Cosmetics, a start-up cosmetics company catering to all skin tones. Student created a prototype, using JustInMind, to present to the project sponsors. This class provided students with technical, organizational and communication skills that will be used in the business world. I was able to develop a real-world project to be used by the project sponsors if chosen.

My team developed an E-commerce web prototype for Pound Cake. Our group focused on creating account management and tool that will allow customers to create accounts, log in, and save preferences. Below in this final presentation.

Pound Cake Final Presentation from AjahMP



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