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SolidFire Full Time Summer Internship

Completed a full time, 10 week long Summer internship with SolidFire. Based out of Boulder, CO this company provides all flash data array technology for storage and memory solutions.

TIME: 40 hours per week

PAY: unpaid

DURATION: June 6, 2016 – August 12, 2016

• Analyze Sales and Marketing metrics to determine where storage processes could be improved.

• Quality check historical sales data for gaps and misalignments.

• Assist in development of solutions or workarounds for defects found in the QC process.

• Move and update large quantities of data from legacy databases to newly designed tables.

• Determine which attributes are useful, and more importantly which are not for various entities. Make table changes as necessary.

• Analyze marketing data and present patterns, opportunities, and irregularities using visualization software.

• Assisted with the design of new schema for client specific information storage.

• Attend weekly meetings and presented problems/solutions to department leaders.


Flash Data Arrays, Oracle, DB2, JSON Schema, SAP Crystal Reports Server, SoftEther VPN Client, MySQL Workbench, Sublime Text Editor, Visual Studio, Tableau 9.2, JetBrains 0xDBE, Notepad++, PostgresSQL, BitLocker, PuTTY, TortoiseSVN

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