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PwC Internship

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PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Philadelphia, PA

Employed: June 2016 – August 2016 & June 2017 – August 2017

Intern, Process Assurance

During my internship, my job was to provide services related to controls around the financial reporting process, including financial business process and IT management controls. I served both audit and non-audit clients. Working in this internship enhanced my career preparation and skills in many ways. This internship improved my communication, excel, team working, and multi-tasking skills. Communication in this internship was critical because I was working with a team where we worked on shared documents, so I needed to be able to communicate what I was doing, going to do, and have done. Also, using excel was very important during this internship so I was able to improve my excel skills through an excel class that the company held for interns. Lastly, my multi-tasking skills were improved because I was working with multiple teams in the company so I had to organize myself so that I could get all of my work done for each team on time. Overall, this internship was very important in preparing me for my career and my classes at Temple have also prepared me in these situations too.

Some of the key things I did in my internship were:

  • Assisting with the development of risk assessments
  • Assisting with the development of audit plans
  • Assisting in the execution of internal controls
  • Assisting in the execution of internal and external audit support fieldwork or Sarbanes-Oxley
  • Identifying and addressing client needs
  • Gathering, reviewing, and analyzing client information
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