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During the summer of 2016, I studied abroad in Tokyo, Japan and worked an internship at a Japanese technology company, i3Design. At i3Design, I worked as the lead marketing intern for their code source marketplace, As part of this role, I had to promote the website to increase its web traffice and membership with an eye towards enhancing profit, reach out to prospective developers who could contribute to the marketplace with their products and help to increase our selection, and serve as the lead customer service representative for those who had questions about our website. While working the account for June and July, it saw two of its top three months in impressions, including its highest amount of impressions ever in the latter month (70,000 and 120,000 respectively). The account also saw a high amount of engagement and an increase in followers after a decline during a long period of inactivity. The website as a whole saw increase traffic and many new additions to the marketplace which occurred after a long period of no additions to the site. In this role, I was really able to step outside my experiences thus far in MIS and the Fox School as a whole, which had been focused on how to perform in certain fields and really allowed me to interact directly with customers and try to apply my knowledge towards actually driving an increase in revenue and profit for a business. It also allowed me to experience a real office environment and, as a result, helped me learn how to operate in a business setting which I found to be very different from the mostly informal setting of Temple University. Aside from the skills I learned working with this account, it was also interesting to get to watch the programmers within the company work and really see how developers work in a real time setting. Finally, I really got to develop my communication skills as I was the only native English speaker in the office. Only two other employees, both Ukrainians, spoke English and many workers didn’t speak English at all. At the same time, I had very limited knowledge of Japanese so I really had to work hard to communicate effectively with my co-workers, using things like body language to get my point across. All of this experiences make it so that I feel really prepared to enter into the business world again. You can click on this link to see my work on the Twitter account in June and July of 2016.

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