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For as far back as I can remember, I spent my childhood with a softball in my hand. Then, when I was 11 years old, I made the decision to begin playing tournament softball competitively. I spent seven years of my life dedicated to this sport. My team and I would practice for hours each week, both outside when the weather was decent and inside a gym during the colder months. We would do drill after drill, and anything else we could do to improve our stamina and our skill. Then, when spring would roll around, we’d spend our entire weekend baking out in the sun, playing multiple games a day. This sport taught me the true meaning of dedication, and just how much hard work pays off. It taught me the value of teamwork and how important it is to pick ourselves and one another up. And, it showed me that when you really love what you do in life, it’ll never feel like a day of work.

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