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  • Virtualization
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Selected courses and takeaways:

Enterprise IT Architecture allowed me to understand different technologies and their impacts in a hyper connected enterprise.  I was able to work with a domain controller and create virtual machines that all work together. Along with that I was able to create users and give them restrictions which is very applicable in the real world.  This was useful for my job at PCS as a field service tech because it allowed me to break down the Windows environment and make connections.  It also gave me some detail into hardware that will be very useful as I continue in I.T.

Integrated Application Development pushed me further into coding and allowed me to see the similarities and differences of many coding languages. Some languages I am stronger in then others, but I have a grip on multiple languages. This ability to write code is useful within I.T. and it also allows me to communicate with other programmers if necessary to guide them through what is expected as I work into project management role.

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