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Ways For Businesses to Interact on Twitter

My internship at GetPhound has taught me so much about how social media works in the business world. It is strategically planned and executed in order to produce the best results. I have learned many different tactics and tools to optimize different social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. I have a growing interest for different digital marketing trends, therefore I am always looking at different new sites to read about upcoming trends or different tips. From SocialMediaToday, Corey Smock posted an interesting blog about social media marketing and the benefits it can bring to your business.

I wanted to share some of his tips for how a business can engage with customers (successfully) on Twitter.

Here are the seven ways Smock discussed in how to engage with influencers on Twitter:

1. General Interaction: Retweet, favorite, and reply to influencers from your brand’s account. When retweeting, make sure the content is relevant to your audience as well.

2. Ask Questions: Every so often, reach out and ask a question to an influencer. Make sure that your question can be answered in 140 characters or less and that it is targeted toward their area of expertise.

3. Keep the Dialogue Open: Once you’ve engaged with an influencer, keep the dialogue open by occasionally reminding them that you have been following them and enjoying their work or content.

4. Campaigns: Reach out to one influencer a day and let him or her know about a campaign that you are running.  This doesn’t have to appear like a spam post. Make sure your campaign is something that would be valuable or interesting to them.

5. Twitter Chats: Find and participate in relevant Twitter chats surrounding your brand’s field.  This is a great way to make connections. From here, not only can you find new influencers, but you can invite current individuals from your list to join.

6. Generate an Exclusive List: People love lists. (Hopefully you love the list post you are reading right now.) Create a list of the top 10 or so influencers in your industry. Base this ranking on how valuable these individuals are. Share this list with your audience in a blog post or webinar. This list can be ever-evolving, maybe it changes monthly or quarterly. This is valuable information for people in your industry and also creates an incentive for the influencers on the list to interact with you.

7. Listening: Keep an eye on your influencers for chances to reach out and offer a surprise and delight. If you notice someone is having a bad day, find a way to make it better. They will remember.


Read the rest of Corey Smock’s blog post at the link below:



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