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Career Objectives

My past work experience has consisted of a lot of customer service and working closely with customers. I went from working with 2-7 year olds during the day, to waiting on 90 year olds at a local retirement home at night. I love the aspect of working with people and putting a smile on their face and I hope to be able to experience that in my future career.

I recently found an interest in digitial and social media marketing. Although this path may not give me the interactions with people that I love, I am intrigued by how people behave and think in the online atmosphere. I am currently interning at GetPhound, a small digital marketing agency, where I am learning different techniques in SEO optimization and social media marketing. As of now, I am open to what kind of company I would like to end up working for. I’m eager to gain as much experience as I can in various sized companies so I can determine what kind of culture I fit in best.


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