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  • Business process analysis
  • Data analytics
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Related Completed Courses : 

Data Analytics

The course provides a foundation for designing database systems and analyzing business data to enhance firm competitiveness. As well as allowing students to gain experience with MySQL and R,

Data Centric Applications

This course helps students earn the basic structure and syntax of the following languages: HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. As well as develop the logical thinking skills necessary to program in any language.

Marketing Management

An introduction course to marketing designed to present  an overview of marketing theory and principles, and apply this understanding to real world business applications.

Managerial Accounting – Honors

The course focuses on what non-accounting students need  to know to be able to make decisions in their own functional areas, such as marketing, finance or operations.

Information Systems in Organizations- Honors

An introduction to information systems that teaches base skills such as ERDs, Swimlane diagrams, and CADs.


An introduction to economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms making decisions to deal with scarcity.

Legal Environment of Business- Honors

An introduction course that covers important legal issues, laws and policies, that effects business and how it operates.

Financial Accounting- Honors

This course prepares students to be able to produce, analyze, and understand financial reports about a company.

Leadership and Organizational Management – Honors

This course provides an overview of important business functions,definitions,methods, and strategies.



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