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MIS3504 Course Evaluation Forms

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Week 14 Class Agenda – 12/5/2017

Agenda for Class:

Team Presentations

Remaining 2 Teams will complete their project presentations

Presentation Position 1 2
Presenting Team 6  1
Evaluating Team 5  2

Wrap up discussion on the team projects

Take a few minutes to complete the Course Evolution for MIS3504 – Section 003 

Review instructions for completion of project team member evaluations

Please compete evaluation form handed out, for each member of your team

Include a rating of your own perform ace

Do not put you name on the evaluation

Turn in the evaluation with you final exam

Team Project Deliverables:

Project deliverables are due by 11:00 PM  12/5/2017

See Website link Team Project Deliverables for details

Exam 3 distributed

Exam will be given the last hour of the class

Place your name on the exam question packet

Place you name on the answer sheet

When completed turn in both the exam question package and answer sheet

Project Presentation Order

Team Project Presentation Order:

Presentation Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Presenting Team  2 7 3
Evaluating Team 4


Exam 3 Planning – 12/5/2017

The primary material covered in the Exam will be on the Design aspects of the course with focus on the topic discussions and exercises reviewed in Classes 8 through 12.

– Class 8 – Design

– Class 9 – Persona/Scenario/Prototype

– Class 10 – User Experience

– Class 11 – Reviewing Work

– Class 11 – Selling Your Ideas

–  Class 12 – Summary

While the exam will focus on design aspects of the discussion there will be reference to the analysis tools (process flow, data entities and business rules) found in some of the questions and applied in the case portions of the exam.

A review of chapter 6 in the text book and the class discussion on the analysis tools will also be helpful

– Class 5 – Process Mapping

– Class 6 – Data Mapping and Relationships

– Class 7 – Business Rules and Decision Tree

The exam has three sections: (all multiple choice)

  • 10 to 12 question on general knowledge of the above subject areas (mostly on Design Topics)
  • 10 to 12 questions based on a  case review which is  focused on data elements and there application in a mocked up design solution  (Report designs and layouts will be included in the case material)
  • 14 to 16 question on a separate case review which will  focused on the identification / evaluation of business rules and their applicability to a developing potential solution.
  • To prepare for the question pertaining to the two cases in the exam, review previous case work assignments and practice identifying the key process steps, data elements and business rules that would be pertinent to creating a solution.
  • Overall this exam will test you skills in analyzing the information supplied in a case an applying it to a solution

Week 13 Class Agenda – 11/28/2017

Class Presentations:

Presentation order of the teams will be random order determined at the beginning of class

For the presentations each team should have a version of the prototype loaded on a laptop that can be plugged into to projector and an copy of the presentation available to be projected on second screen.  Would recommend email to a team member then access from desktop at the podium.

Please print a hard copy of the presentation and hand to me prior to beginning your team presentation

Plan on 10 to 12 minutes to present and a few minutes for follow up questions.

Evaluation sheets will be handed out and complete by the evaluation team to critique the other teams presentation, then provide feedback to the presenting team and class.

Dress to be comfortable: casual or business, what ever you feel will be most effective for your team

Presentations not completed on 11/28/2017 will be presented on 12/5/2017.

All final project deliverables will be due on 12/5/2017.

Project team member evaluation sheets will be completed on 12/5/2017

Exam 3 will be given second half of class on 12/5/2017

No Class on November 21 – Thanksgiving Break

Extra Credit

Opportunities to earn extra credit points during the semester.

Students may choose to develop a prototype, in Justinmind for one of  the following class cases:


Week 12 Class Agenda – 11/14/2017

Class Discussion on:

Reviewing and evaluating work product

Overview key topics for the course

Team review of draft JustinMind Prototype and Presentation

Week 12 – Team Assignment Due November 14, 2017

Draft copies of your team’s Prototype and PowerPoint presentation.

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