Temple University

Week 4 Summary

Readings: MSF Extended Usage and Metasploit GUIs

In addition to general features of Metasploitable environment, MSF extended allows to go beyond of standard and include powerful tools such as Karmetasploit, Mimikatz and others that can be customized as well. Moreover, GUI versions such as Armitage or Community edition of Metasploitable allow to simply execute codes by clicking mouse buttons.

Questions to the Class: 

Since MAC OS X is based on Unix core, how deep can it be exploited with Metasploitable tools?

In the News:

Danske bank fixes several vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to get into bank accounts – See more at: http://www.ehackingnews.com/2015/10/danske-bank-fixes-several.html#sthash.eGxqbDJG.dpuf

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