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Accessibility Analyst

Information about Level Access

Mission and Vision

Level Access supports organizations in ensuring that digital systems are accessible to users with disabilities. Our solutions support clients in developing and deploying accessible products and services. Level Access sees access to digital technology as a profound empowering force in the lives of individuals with disabilities. We seek to create a world where digital systems can readily be made accessible to users with disabilities.

The Culture

At Level Access, we believe that a company can succeed financially and be a positive force in the world. This inward and outward impact is what makes working at Level Access so rewarding. Our team includes people of all ages, races, genders, faiths, and abilities, and this diversity of thought is one of our most valuable resources. Since we are a growing company, you can be a part of creating our dynamic future—a future with equal access to technology and digital equality for all.

The Team

Level Access is a team of 200+ people. The company has three main office locations, locating in Washington D.C, Silicon Valley, and New England.

Job function – Accessibility Analyst

The Accessibility Analyst will work with clients to test and validate user interfaces against accessibility requirements and consult on the effective technical implementation of digital accessibility requirements in client systems.

  • Testing – The Accessibility Analyst will test client’s systems against specific manual and assistive technology tools. The Accessibility Analyst will enter test results into Level Access’s Accessibility Management Platform (AMP) – the industry’s first on-demand solution that integrates the business and technical aspects of complying with regulations, such as Section 508, the ADA, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
  • Remediation – The Accessibility Analyst will be required to provide realistic technical guidance to clients that can be integrated into current or new user interfaces.
  •  Test Set Definition – The Accessibility Analyst will work with the client to determine the boundaries of the testing environment by identifying a representative test set of the user interface components found in the client’s system.
  • Reporting – The Accessibility Analyst will deliver testing results to the client and will participate in conference calls and follow-up discussions in order to create a road map to improve the accessibility and usability of the client’s IT system

Why I chose to apply for this position?

I have always been interested in learning about information technology and motivated to utilize the power of digital platforms to create meaningful impact to the community and society. The mission and value of Level Access, which is to create accessible digital platforms for everyone, really aligns with my own value and purpose. Additionally, through my studies, I have developed a strong background in providing technical guidance, working with web-based interfaces, and managing the needs of multiple stakeholders. The Accessibility Analyst position fits nicely with my skills and expertise.

What MIS courses and experiences helped me to get this job?

The coding knowledge from MIS 2402 and MIS 3503 has been my great advantage of getting this position. The practical projects that I did in MIS 3503 helped me understand the coding concept in a wholistic view, combining the expectation from the client-browser side and the functionality from the back-end server and database side. In addition, being the Director of Information Technology for Temple AIS really boosted my technical skills through the various technical development workshops!

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