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AIS Technical Development Workshops

AIS Technical Development Workshops

Leader, Presenter, and Team Motivator

Fall 2019 – Present

About AIS Technical Development Workshops 

  • Technical Development (TD) workshops enhance students’ understanding of technical concepts. Both analytical and challenging, these workshops foster the development of well-rounded professionals through teaching important technical skills.
  • TD workshops are conducted on Saturdays from 11-1pm on a monthly basis.

About Workshops Leadership Program 

  • To encourage students to improve their technical skills, I initiated a new leadership program, in which I recruit and coach students to become Student Leaders and Student Assistants for the workshops.
  • Student Leader positions are for upperclassmen who wants to improve their public speaking skills and demonstrate their technical skills. They will assist the Director of IT in brainstorming the topics and creating teaching materials and instruction guidelines for students.
  • Student Assistant positions are great opportunities for lowerclassmen  who develop an interest for technology but are not ready to lead the workshop. They will participate in the run through meeting prior to the main event to get familiar with the materials. They will then assist students during the actual workshops.

Spring 2020 Technical Development Workshops

April 2020 Virtual Workshop: Website Accessibility 

  • Another virtual workshop to help students learn new skills during the current pandemic Covid-19 situation 🙂
  • For my sixth workshop, I decided to choose the topic of Website Accessibility. The fact is that millions of internet users have special needs, disabilities, and impairments that can make it difficult or even impossible for them to use certain types of websites.
  • Through this workshop, I want to introduce to students, especially our AIS members, the main concept of Web Accessibility: to provide the same experience for everyone despite the conditions they are experiencing.
  • The workshop includes 7 hands-on exercises to help student understand the accessibility concept as well as learn how to improve a website with the WACG requirements in mind.
  • Materials & Documentations:

March 2020 Virtual Workshop: Data Visualization with Python (part 2) 

  • Despite the egregious impact of COVID-19 on the operations of student organizations, I have been able to successfully transition AIS in-person workshops to virtual workshops! I asked students to submit their work via Google Form to track their attendance.
  • I made this workshop free and public to all Temple alumni and students as well as Internet users to encourage the community to stay positive and learn something new during their stay-safe-at-home time 🙂
  • Materials & Documentations:

February 2020 Workshop: Data Visualization with Python (part 1) 

  • I led a workshop for a total of 65 students on Data Visualization using popular Python libraries: matplotlib, numpy, and pandas. I provided detailed instructions and came up with hands-on exercises for students to learn about line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, and histograms. 85% of the participants are new to Python.
  • Materials & Documentations:

AIS Technical Development Workshop 4: Data visualization with Python libraries from Nhi Nguyen

Fall 2019 Technical Development Workshops

November 2019 Workshop: Getting Started with Git and GitHub

  • For the third TD workshop, I teamed up with Adam Wolf and Diana Westerfer and Adam Wolf to teach students about version control, some basic Git commands, and the software GitHub. We created simple exercises for students to interact with the source on my GitHub account and download a simple HTML template to create their blogs.
  • We had 46 students participated in this workshop.
  • Materials & Documentations:

AIS Technical Development Workshop 3: Getting Started with Git and GitHub from Nhi Nguyen


October 2019 Workshop: Text Analytics with Python 

    • For the second TD workshop, Michelle Purnama and I introduced NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Text Analytics to our AIS community. Since October is Halloween month, we decided to choose some short Halloween stories and use Python to analyze the sentiments text analytics within these stories. We also included interactive coding exercises throughout the workshop to help students get used to Python and its libraries!
    • This workshop was participated by 72 students.
    • Materials & Documentations:

AIS Technical Development Workshop 2: Text Analytics with Python from Nhi Nguyen

September 2019 Workshop: Database Management with PostgreSQL 

    • Nathaly Gonzalez and I introduced students to PostgreSQL and some basic database management requirements. In order to make it more approachable and relatable to Temple students community, we tailored the interests and designed an interactive activity that allows students to:
      • Fill in a Google form to collect personal preferences on classes, Temple foodtrucks, favorite study spots, etc.,
      • Convert this dataset to csv, create a database in PostgreSQL, and import the csv file correctly to the database
      • Manipulate database using basic SQL statements such as filtering data, grouping data, joining tables, etc.
    • 57 students participated in this workshop.
    • Materials & Documentations:

AIS Technical Development Workshop 1 from Nhi Nguyen

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