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MIS 3535 Progress Report

This past week our team of PMs met with our BAs for a kickoff meeting. We talked for a few minutes about what to expect over the course of the semester, and advised them on the best practices for success. Our team seems very excited to start prototyping the project. After talking with our BAs about what the Forgotten Philadelphia project’s expectations are, it seems as if we already have a clear idea of what to prototype. I’m looking forward to getting back into Justinmind with my teammates. Prior to this meeting, I also attended the first interview with the BAs. Mason, our team member who spoke for our group, did a terrific job of asking questions, and I think we gained a lot of valuable information from the Director of Temple Press, Mary Rose Muccie. The only hiccups we are running into so far is that some of the BAs don’t respond well via email. I can understand that maybe they are not concerned with meeting with us right now, since there is not many deliverables that are due soon. I think that over the course of the semester when the workload begins to pickup, communications will also improve.

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