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  • Business continuity
  • Cyber-security
  • Data analytics
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This Year
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1010 Points
MIS Badge

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    • IT Career FairFall 2016
      Fall 2015

    • Active AIS memberSpring 2016
      Fall 2015

    • IBIT challenge or conferenceFall 2015

      William C Agentowicz
      and 913 others received 50 points for Attend IT Career Fair Fall 2012 (Imported Data)
      William C Agentowicz
      and 913 others received 50 points for attending IT Career Fair - 2012
      William C Agentowicz
      and 913 others received 50 points for attending the IT Career Fair
      William C Agentowicz
      just received the Candidate badge
      William C Agentowicz
      and 491 others received 50 points for active AIS membership in Fall 2017
    • More...
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