Aleksi Aaltonen

Assistant Professor


Here are some writings that should useful for anybody who wants to make decisions in an organizational setting:

  1. Solutions That Create Problems
    Technology breeds more technology by creating problems that need technological solutions
  2. A Simple Vocabulary of Data Science Concepts
    A summary of fundamental data science concepts
  3. The Right Time to Take Action?
    A decision when to take an action can be just as important as the action that is taken.
  4. The More You Measure Them, the More They Will Game You
    The summary of my study of people analytics with Marta Stelmaszak
  5. The Beauty and Perils of Metrics
    Good decisions need data but cannot escape intuition – we need both!

The following writings are aimed at research students:

  1. What Makes a Good Hypothesis?
    Not every research paper need hypotheses but when you have them, they better be good.
  2. Algorithms, Humans, and the Duality of Data–A Futile Attempt to Define IS Phenomena
    Defining the IS ‘phenomenon’ is difficult.
  3. Social Media Was Consuming Me–But I Took Back Control!
    My personal ponderings about how to use social media to support academic career.
  4. How to Count the Review Rounds in a Peer-review Process?
    Confused how to communicate the status of your manuscript submitted to a peer-reviewed journal exactly? Here is how!
  5. There Is No Self-plagiarism
    Plagiarism is a gross academic misconduct, yet you cannot plagiarize yourself.
  6. Academia as Competition
    Competition in academia is great–but we must see it differently.
  7. I Deleted My Account and You Should Too
    The social platform for academics does not seem to understand or care what the academia is about.
  8. Paying for Peer Reviews is a Bad Idea
    Paying for academic peer reviews is a well-intentioned bad idea–this post explains why.
  9. Research Paper as Academic Storytelling
    A research paper must follow many boring rules and norms of the scholarly community—and yet it is useful to view academic publishing as telling of engaging stories.
  10. Academia Should Learn from Software Development
    Academia should learn from software development to make empirical research a truly collective endeavor.
  11. How to Manage Your Research Data?
    Avoid turning your research into an administrative nightmare with a MInimal Data Archival System (MIDAS).


Contact Information

Speakman 206D
1810 North 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6083

Personal website:


Office Hours

Wednesdays 2-3pm.

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