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MIS 3535 – Change Management Studio – Journal Entries

Journal Entry #1 – February 6th

A few weeks ago we were assigned our groups for our Project Manager team. I was grouped with Mark Isaac and Edward Shen. Mark was in my BA group last semester so I we already have great communication and I have worked with Edward in the past so I know we will work well together. It is going to be a lot different being on the other side, being a project manager instead of a business analyst. I am excited to put my leadership experience to the test by leading the business analysts. I learned a lot from last semester and I’m sure I will learn even more this semester. We met with 4 out of the 5 BAs to introduce ourselves and set up a group message through the GroupMe app so we can all communicate.

Journal Entry #2 – February 13th

We met with the Bas this week and helped them with their individual project scopes. I referred to my BA group’s scope from last year to help them understand what makes a good objective. We all felt that the Bas had to gain more information about TU Press from the second interview to get very specific in the scope. I was unable to attend the second interview but I heard it went well. The Bas gained more specific information and what TU Press was looking for, for the Forgotten Philadelphia app.

Journal Entry #3 – February 20th

We met with the BAs but not all of them could attend because of class and work time conflicts. I asked them how their first test went and majority of them though it was pretty straightforward. I expressed that the tests were difficult for me but I still gave insight what to expect for the second exam. I looked over their group scope document and there are many errors. I suggested what they should change. I recommended to meet with their professor to see what feedback he could give them to better their group scope. I know that their Justinmind extra credit was due next week so I told the BAs that I am willing to meet with them to help with Justinmind. I told them that they need to reach out to me, that I will not baby them and do it for them.

Journal Entry #4 – February 27th

The last interview was Thursday and only Dave could attend out of all the BAs. I could attend so I sat with Dave and helped him think of last minute questions to ask based on the questions that I asked last semester. Dave was the only BA that helped create the third interview questions. This was the first time that I met Dave so we exchanged numbers and I expressed to him that the work needs to be equally weighted among the whole group, not just him. My plan is for next week to express to all the BAs that they need to give more of a group effort. No BAs reached out to me for help with the extra credit which was kind of disappointing because I am very good at using Justinmind.

Journal Entry #5 – March 6th

There was not that much progress from the last time we met with the BAs before break. They have not started to design their prototype and have not done much besides work on their team scope. I am a bit worried at this point because I do not want them to fall behind and create the prototype at the last minute. A few BAs were working on the extra credit which was good. I just want to see more from them as the prototype takes the most effort and is the hardest thing to do.

Journal Entry #6 – March 20th

I instructed the BAs to begin the prototype. I met with them last week (Thursday) and taught them Justinmind basics, to get them started. They met this week, I believe 3 of them to start the prototype. I reached out to them to tell them they can message me anytime with any questions about Justinmind or if they wanted my input on how their application should look. In terms of our PM group, I feel like I am taking the lead on helping with the BA’s prototype. I hope by next week they have a decent start because we are more than halfway done the semester.

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