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As I have grown up, I have always liked to be a busy person. I’ve always been involved in clubs, sports, service projects, and work. Below I have highlighted some of my favorite the opportunities that have shaped me as a person and some things in which I want to try in the future!



All-star cheerleading, with CNY Storm All-Stars, was a part of my life over 7 years. I learned many tumbling, stunting, and dance skills pertaining to this unique sport. It allowed me to meet other cheerleaders from around the world, greatly improve my confidence, and push my skills further than I ever thought possible.  I have had the chance to compete in (and win) countless national, regional, and local competitions as well as compete in the Cheerleading Worlds (the Olympics of all-star cheer) three years in a row.


Before cheerleading, softball was the sport that consumed many hours after school. I played on many teams including all-star and renegade leagues. For me, softball was a great way to stay active, make friends, and have fun all at the same time. It began my motivation to be a hard worker and pushed me to excel in everything I tried.


I began Fencing during the fall semester of my freshman year at Temple University. Being on the club team, learned many new things and met many new people. During my time as a fencer, I worked hard to improve my abilities and learn an entirely new sport.


Skiing has been a way of bonding between my extended family and friends throughout my whole life.  I have tackled a few large mountains so far, and look forward to challenges in the future!


  • Association for Information Systems (VP of Community Service)



An important cause for many years of my life  was helping my church with what is known as Anna’s Pantry. At Anna’s Pantry I organized, cleaned, and help less fortunate people shop for basic necessities. I worked with elderly women and these women were able to inspire me and show me the benefits of volunteering. Some stories that I heard through those in need will stick with me for the rest of my life and continue my will to help and serve other in my community. I completed over 200 hours of service over a few summers with the pantry and plan to continue helping way into the future.

  • During my years in high school (C-NS High School) and with the various sports I have been in, there have been many opportunities to volunteer with service projects. Every year I have, and still do, participate in walk-a-thon’s (for breast cancer and/or other research funds) these walks have  been important as I know many people who suffer from illness that do not have a cure as of now. I have also participated in bake sales, book collections, can collections, clean-up services, car washes and other activities when I have a few free hours
  • Modeling:      I began modeling in the summer of 2010 to help the photography business of a friend. From then on, I began branching out have done semi-professional photo-shoots across New York State. I am currently signed with Real People Management Modeling for promotional events and hope that I can continue this hobby into the future!

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