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  • Personalization
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This Year
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1123 Points
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Course Work

CIS – 1057 (Program in C):

  • Introduced to Java
  • Taught debugging techniques
  • learned Arrays
  • learned Loops
  • learned Functions


CIS – 1051(Intro Prob Solv & Prog-Python):

  • Understand data types
  • Create programs that get input, perform calculations, and provide output
  • Test and debug created programs


MIS- 2101(Information Systems in Organizations):

  • Analyze organizational systems
  • Understand and create Swim lane diagrams
  • Identifying and using multiple types of systems used by organizations


MIS – 2502 (Data Analytics):

• Create a transactional database from a model using SQL.
• Create an analytical data store by extracting relevant data from a transactional database.
• Perform extract, transform, load (ETL) functions such as data sourcing, pre-processing, and cleansing.
• Discover trends in analytical data stores using the data mining techniques of clustering, segmentation, association, and decision trees.
• Present data visually for clear communication to a managerial audience.

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