Community Platform
  • Sales force automation
  • Software as a service (SaaS)
This Year
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1190 Points
MIS Badge

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Professional Development Activities

Three different PRO point activities I have taken part in are my internship at the U.S. SEC, participation in an MIS IT career fair, and Data Analytics Research Project. Together, these three activities have excelled my MIS abilities in the world. My internship at the U.S. SEC helped me understand complex systems at one of the countries most important regulatory bodies. I helped use information from various systems to make important decisions for the organization. Additionally, I attended multiple IT Career Fairs. These fairs not only introduced me to many companies but they allowed me to see the various roles available in the field. Finally, I completed a research project for my Data Analytics class. I did a deep dive into Deep Learning and I was able to see concepts from that very class utilized in the real world.

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