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IT/Reporting Intern – Urban Outfitters Inc.

During my time at Urban Outfitters Inc., I spent time as an IT/Reporting intern working under the supervision of project manager, Ben Novack, and IT Director of Enterprise Reporting and Marketing Systems, Paul Reigel.  I worked with several technologies such as a IBM Netezza IDE called Aginity in order to generate SQL queries in a database that I was assigned.  The other was a business intelligence and analytics software called MicroStrategy that I used to alter free form SQL statements to add parameters for users.  While documenting my findings, I used Microsoft Visio to create data diagrams that showed the flow of data within the very convoluted database I was working with.

I was tasked with the opportunity to analyze and delineate a database on a project called TradeStone containing approximately 70 tables and tens of millions of records.  I documented my findings and participated in weekly progress status meetings where I led the discussion when talking about the TradeStone project.  Visio was a technology that I leaned on to visualize data quickly and simply that could be shared electronically.

I learned an abundant amount of information during this internship, include some hard skills, soft skills, and improved my business acumen.  Seeing in person how a highly successful organization runs their day-to-day IT was very eye-opening and has helped prepare me for future success potentially at Urban or at another company.

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